Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Samaritan Woman - And a Tale of a Funeral Home

It became a small obsession today. The Samaritan woman at the well, and why we should all have a "Samaritan Woman" in our lives. (Jessie, did an angel tell Mary she was going to have a Samaritan? She must have been very scared. Oh, you made me laugh.) Anyway, what the heck did a used car salesman have to do with it? But I'm good now.

However, one discussion lead to another . . .

Bible Dictionary: Good Samaritan

In one of the parables of Jesus, the only one of several passersby to come to the aid of a Jew who had been robbed, beaten, and left to die on the roadside. The kindness of the Samaritan was particularly admirable because Jews and Samaritans (i.e., people of Samaria) were generally enemies. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan to answer a man who had asked him, “Who is my neighbor?” He forced his questioner to admit that the Samaritan was the true neighbor of the man who had been robbed.

  • Figuratively, “Good Samaritans” are persons who go out of their way to perform acts of kindness to others, especially strangers.

  • Eddie, Baby, you nailed it.

    But in theme for the weekend, Gracie gave Missy and I some probing questions. Why can't we eat meat on Fridays? (And why does Mark get to?) Didn't God kill himself on Christmas? Or was that Easter? But my favorite . . .why are there funeral homes?

    I did what I thought was a bang-up job discussing Lent and the meaning of Christmas and Easter, but I must have failed at the funeral home question. (Which was brought up, by the way, due to a morbid story Missy told of a month-old body and an open window.)

    Grace - Why are there dead people in a funeral house?

    Me - It's called a funeral home. That's where they keep people who have died.

    Grace - I thought dead people were buried in the ground.

    Me - They are. But for a few day between when they die and the funeral, they are kept in the funeral home.

    Grace - Oh!!! So they can make sure they are really dead before they get put into the ground!

    Me - Right.

    Seriously. Too many mistakes happened before the funeral home concept.


    eibanez said...

    Like I said, maybe you should listen to the priest in church instead of doing something else in church, like feeding your children ;)

    Anonymous said...

    I think we agreed on the fact that Eddie's knowledge is a combination of his time spent at Sunday Church and the fact that the Bible translates more naturally into Spanish.

    My favorite part of the night, besides the tuna noddle casserole, was watching Jennie's little legs kick through the air when Eddie was running her around with Grace and Faith.

    eibanez said...

    Josie had her share too!!

    It seems like Jeje is the only one getting my attention and i love them both... not like her aunt ;)

    Anonymous said...

    This whole thing is very confusing to me--it must be as of the result of the high fever that I had this week end. How do so many people have so much time on their hands to do all of this chatting? However, I do enjoy it!!!!What all did I miss out on at Mass, Sunday?? I always miss the good stuff.