Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 on 2sday

So I'm post-dating this by a day. F-it. I can do that crap.

10. Thanks to Mark, and my obvious non-cleverness, my Halloween costume idea has been shot all to hell. I've got to step up my game.

9. Faith lost yet another tooth. I stumbled out to the car in the middle of night, trying to find some dollar bills. In the morning, she said, "Man. How many teeth do I have to lose before I get a barbie doll?" The tooth fairy sucks. I know this for a fact.

8. So I brilliantly thought about scanning the girls' artwork into the copier and sending myself a PDF so I can post it to the blog. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. It came to me when I reviewed the "punking" kid Grace drew for guidance class. She said they had to draw a picture of what they thought a bully might look like. Apparently, Grace is nervous about a goth looking, sexually confused boy named Zach. When I questioned her about the word "punking" she said she'd meant to write punching, but punking worked, too. She said if the bully was black, she could have used the word "hooding." As in he is seen in the hood. I thought that made a lot of sense.

7. Faith's drawing is of her family, she said. I don't know why, but it about made me cry. Her visual definition may have changed a little, but her details are dead on. It's a keeper.

6. I thought Josie and Jennie's trip to the pumpkin patch was tomorrow. I've been building them for it all week. I screwed up. It is next week. I wanted to hurt myself for being so dumb.

5. I ate with Jessie and Eddie at Samuri last night. Oh my god was it good.

4. New couches = happiness.

3. Pictures with built in clocks = happiness.

2. I have to go pick the babies up for their 3 year well baby exam and shots. I don't know how I am going to do this by myself.

1. I heard a new Tim McGraw song this morning - It felt good on my lips - awesome, awesome song.

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