Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 on 2sday

10. Who's addicted to spray painting things red? Me!!!!!

9. I got into the shower last night, and Grace had written "love you mommy" in shaving cream. How do they even think of this stuff? Awesome, though.

8. Missy took the girls on Sunday and spent the day making Christmas cookies. Grace has a picture of the cookies on her phone as the screen saver. I'd say that means she had a good time :)

7. Josie had a breakdown this morning. She wanted to wear her brown skirt and purple shirt. It was 11 out this morning. So after a big wrestling match, I got her clothes on. And then, I swear to you, she rolled up the legs of her pants, way up above her knees. She won in the end, I guess.

6. I've been using the griddle. Daily. I griddle things that were never meant to be griddled. I'm not sure that is a word. But I don't even care. That's how crazy bad I am when it come to the griddle.

5. Pony died. Faith asked me if I thought she died because she didn't play with her enough. Perhaps the twins played with her too much. It's hard to say. Pony is buried in the front yard. Faith asked what animals eat fish. "In the front yard?" "Yeah." "I don't know what a natural predator of a dead fish in the front yard would be."

4. I went to Half Price Books and bought them out of Mercer Meyer books. Jennie loves them. Last night she went upstairs and brought down as many as she could carry in her arms. I read them all to them. I love the books, too.

3. Josie uses a recipe book as her song book when she's listening to music. It's adorable.

2. I think the kids are scared of Santa in Atlantic because they believe it is Santa. That's a good, good thing.

1. So thankful to be here now, instead of where I was a year ago.

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