Monday, March 10, 2008

Do My Little Turn on the Catwalk . . . On the Catwalk Baby

Grace and Faith are seasoned veterans in this industry, but this was Josie and Jennie's first time down the catwalk. It was tense in the dressing room, and the waiting area. Jennie had some diva demands, but after a quick shot of the good stuff, she was all ready to go. And she did perform. The video is so funny. She's all smiles and kicking her little legs. You can hear the collective gasp of "Ahhhh!" from the crowd. Josie works her fans in true "Posh" style. Not smiling is part of her appeal - drawing to her natural beauty and not letting personality get in the way.
But these two . . .well they are a different story. Attitude, attitude, attitude. Lol. If Grace is doing it, there is nothing Faith won't do. They walked with their hands on their hips, and a smile on their face. The announcer says to the crowd . . ."Naturals on the catwalk." Yeah, it's true.
Aunt Joni and her babies. What you can't see is that both Joni and Jennie are wearing backless shirts.
Aunt Jessie and the naughty twosome.


eibanez said...

I have a ton of pictures... in my camera... that must be in Jessie's purse, I guess.

Anyway, you'll get them... eventually! They are freakin' cute, that's for sure

jclinton said...

They were the cutest ones there and everyone knew it.