Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nine Months Old March 7, 2008

God, I love these kids. How stinkin' cute are they?! Joey on left, Jennie on right.
LOL, this was so funny! Joey was crawling around and Jennie had her hands on the back of Josie's knees. Then Jennie would crawl behind Josie, using just her knees. I laughed until I cried. Josie was so amused.

Josie decided to release two new tricks Friday. One was climbing the stairs. I was sitting on the bottom step, helping Grace get ready for school, and I look beside me and she was already on her way up. Yikes. And either Grace or Faith taught her to clap. LOVE this trick.

I took them to get their pictures earlier that day, and they were rock stars. Gonna be a week before I get them back, but they were so sweet. The photographer was an idiot, however. I don't know why I don't just dress them up and take the pictures myself. Anyway, Faith didn't awesome, too. She entertained them. No one can make them smile like she can.

1 comment:

eibanez said...

I bet a professional photographer cannot take a cutter picture than the first one. They are adorable!