If ever there was a soul made for another, it has to be that Grace's was made for mine.
This child astonishes me with her being. I wish I could capture the moments in which she completely changes my world. Her tone. Her disposition. Her half smile. I wish I could better explain. Mostly because I want her to know that she is truly, and deeply amazing.
I see so many of you in her. I laugh sometimes because she has become the best of all of the people I love the most. She's got her grandma's compassion and love of learning. Her grandpa's tough kindness and calmness. Aunt Joni's tenderness and flair. Aunt Jessica's sparkle and confidence. When she smiles and shakes her head after someone says something silly, I almost get tears because it's identical to Mark's
mannerisms. Her giggle is Missy's. Dead ringer. Not to mention her witty one-liners. Eddie has provided an example of intelligence and good humor. She displays them both with the same understated brilliance as he does.
I want to be clear. All of my children are becoming all that is good in their lives. It's just that Grace has struck me lately with her maturity and personal growth. I love them all, and I'm so grateful to be their mom. For all I've done wrong in my life, I have done them right by exposing them to the best people in the entire world.