Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jessie's New Crib

Sept. 20, 2008

Jessica moved into her new place on Saturday. It is just beautiful.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

State Fans No Matter What

Sept. 13, 2008

We went to Matt and Kim's to watch the Iowa/ISU game . . . . that's all I have to say about that.

Then we went out to their forest and played.

All the kids camped in the basement and played way too much Wii. You should see Grace and Faith bowl. They have skill. Serious skill.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Faith's First Day of Preschool

Sept. 4, 2008
Faith Ann Millsap
Age 4

The Girls

Mommy's Birthday

I got the BEST presents EVER! The girls worked really hard.

Grace's First Day of Second Grade

Grace's teacher, Miss Rose.

Aug. 20th, 2008

Clean Sweep

Gracie addressing her fans. Which, by the way, filled the stands.
You know how sometimes you just know you've done well? You sit a little taller, you feel pretty good? Yeah . . . Grace is rockin that feeling.
And there she is. The winner. I think there was a three way tie for third or something. That's way the stand looks a little funny.
And my big Shawn.

Watch Out Shawn Johnson - the Millsaps are Here

Look how tiny Faith is compared to everyone else. She's tiny. But then again, she's four. I think there was only one other 4-year-old in her level. So she's competing against 8-year-olds in some cases.
Faith addressing the crowd after her performance and the others wait their turn. Faith was the first to go, which adds a level of difficulty to the process!
First place finish.
My little Shawn

Aug. 16, 2008

I loved this day.

I don't think I could have been any more proud of my girls. Or nervous for them.

Gymnastics is kind of their thing. It's happening constantly in the living room. On the trampoline. In parking lots. In grocery stores. No place is off limits for a good cartwheel roundoff.

And the timing of the Olympics couldn't have been better. Shawn Johnson had just won her gold medal. We'd be watching her faithfully for the duration of the games. (Shawn is from West Des Moines for those of you who don't know.)

And the day of the gymnastic meet the girls were all geared up. Ready to go. Grace was armed with Shawn's playlist that I'd downloaded for her. Game on.

Faith went first. And if you watched the Olympics at all, the commentators mentioned how difficult it is to win gold when you go first. You set the standard.

Out she goes. Nails it.

Wins the gold.

Grace's group went in the next hour's segment. Grace was about middle to go. Nails it.

Wins the gold.

Millsap girls sweep the games.

I have even more pics I'll post from my other camera. But this was a thrill.

Last Few Days of Summer - Raccoon River Park

I love taking the kids to Raccoon River - it's such a nice place for them to play.

Josie shows off her signature grin and crooked teeth.
Missy wishing she had on her bikini.
Little G.
My Baby F.

Taken Aug. 14