Monday, March 9, 2009

In The Hospital

The nurses hated me. I don't know why. Maybe because I slept in the crib with her. Maybe it was because I questioned everything. And when I didn't get a good enough answer, I made them find someone who could offer a better answer. Maybe it was because I'm just mean. But seriously, we were talking about my baby girl.

She was at Mercy. And I guess they just got this new crib. The other ones in the other rooms looked like cages. Like the hospital isn't scary enough.

Our crib.

Her entire little body was poofed out on IV fluid. She looked like a marshmellow. When Jessie offered her ice chips, though, life was good.

Jessie and I obviously know that when you don't feel good, you should at least look good. See what a sponge bath can do for a girl's spirit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the nurses hated you because you asked each of them several times what would happen to you if you took her outside for some air.