Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas at the Junction

Horse-drawn sleigh ride. What an amazing night - weather was awesome and atmosphere was really cool. Despite missing a couple of hats and the race horses pulling the wagon, this really fun.
Seeing Santa for the first . . . but so not the last time this year. The twins made their TV debut on the local news later that night. I'm not going to go as far as to call Santa a dirty old man, but "Mrs." Clause had to be at least 15 years younger than Santa.
Oh, deer . . . that was really funny.
The carolers sang a song for the twins about baby's first Christmas. It made Mommy cry. Eddie and Jessie were really good company.


eibanez said...

So, i don't get any credit for the pictures? mmm...

Millsap Twins said...

Sorry, Eddie. Credit given where credit due . . .:)

Anonymous said...

I didn't notice at the time the age difference between the Santa and the Mrs. That's a little creepy.

This night was so much fun! Jennie and Josie were in awe the whole night. I don't know why, but Rudolph really cracked me up.