Sunday, February 17, 2008

Oh, Crap.

They are out of control. And I'm not just taking about their hair.

Joey no longer dominates in the crawling department. In fact, they race now. They find motivation in cords, dirty diapers and plastics cups. And now the stairs. They pull up to the bottom step, and scream with delight - they know the prize is next.

My Jennie is making me laugh, talking about "Bob" all the time. I remember Faith did the same thing. "Bob, Bob, Bob." And she waves, "Bye, bye Bob." She takes her little hand and open and closes it.

Joey is into throwing her arms up into the air . . . frustrated by her sister? She and Grandpa threw their arms up forever the other night.

I'll get video on my camera of them both. So cute.

Speaking of video, Shane is driving me crazy with his new phone. God help me. Sorry, Jessie, that you had to be subjected to that.


Keller Family said...

I can't believe they are at the stairs already! Caitlyn hasn't even been over to teach them any of her tricks yet. Then you can really say OH CRAP!

Anonymous said...

They are just too cute. I would put my name on this,but I don't know how--guess who???