10. We got hit from behind in the Monte at the same time Faith almost died from botchalism. It was a wild 5 minutes.
9. A giant leprechaun was spotted at Costco. We can't stop talking about it.
8. See? I had started the list like two weeks ago. I have such good intentions.
7. Our most favorite dancing song lately? Pretty girl rock.
6. I sorely hated to see Mike Catherwood booted from DWTS. I had never heard of him, or seen his face before, but I really liked seeing his face after I saw it. I think I will root for the Karate Kid. Me and the rest of America.
5. I've been making vacation plans for Colorado. I want to ski again before I die.
4. We woke up to snow on the ground yesterday, and today it is nothing but sunshine. This weather is redic.
3. I've sucked it up taking pictures. New priority . . . again.
2. Massive cleaning has started at our house. Massive. I get a basement again.
1. Josephine is way into dressing herself in outfits that include lots glitz. We went to the mall the other day with Mark and Missy, and she wore a shirt of Faith's, a 12 month sweater, and purple eye make up. Jennie had on her leotard under her clothes, and her tutu was hanging out. And I said, "What the heck?"
1. I am going to buy Mark a body pillow. He said Missy never lets him buy stuff like that. I got one. It's fantastic. It's black. I sleep with it. And shower with it. And take it to work and stuff. It's that awesome.
1. Faith is telling everyone she is spending a week at Joni's this summer. It sounds like so much fun, I might do it, too.
1. I got to have my first real visual of Abbie. It was delightful. If you like football leather for skin.
1. I hope I get public notice for writing this list.
1. My favorite part of life lately? Hearing Jennie say "You're Lucky!" She says it all the time. Like her life sucks. Really bad.
1. I found them, Josie and Jennie, sitting quietly on the stairs the other day. "What are you doing?" "Riding the bus. The bus driver said we couldn't talk." I guess the bus driver is a bitch.
1. Now that I am incorporating family chores, the girls are talking about wanting to get paid. Grace made a list of things she would start doing . . . for cash.
1. Faith called Shane the other night. She was sitting on the couch. I heard him ask her what she was doing, and she said, "the dishes." Then I heard him say, "So mom makes YOU do the dishes, huh?" Hahahahaha. She's a bad kid.
1. More to come. I have to go.