Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Day Has Come

Saggy little diaper butt and all, Josie took the stairs like a champ. She was so excited when she reached the top - she was squealing and cheering and clapping for herself. I called her my little "Rocky."

Meanwhile, her sister decided to do it, too. So, as I was carefully trying to shield Josie from a tumble, I turned around to see Jennie halfway up the stairs.

Then they climbed together, NASCAR style. Each trying to out-do the other - pushing the other away in order to get position. (Grace and Faith were in on it by this time. I needed the extra hands!)

They would get to the top, we'd all cheer and laugh, then I'd carry them back down for another round. It was way too much fun.

This morning, however, I put Josie down in the kitchen and she made a beeline for the stairs . . . ooops.


Keller Family said...

That is so funny, I remember the first time Caitlyn got the stairs and we did the exact same thing by bringing her to the bottom to try it again so we could see it. Now I am waiting for the day she climbs out of the crib!!! That's my next fear.

Anonymous said...

Its soo cute. I love the saggy diaper butt!