Monday, March 17, 2008

Feliz Cumpleanos, Eddie!

What's the best part about a birthday so close to St. Patrick's Day? Green dye. You name it, Grace dyed it green. Including the cheese and girl scout cookies.

I'm inclined to tell everyone what the present was, but as Grace said, "You're going to be soooo embarrassed!"

Girls, the picture of us is on my other camera, and I don't have that cord with me. I'll post those pictures later. Last night, though, I was thinking someone spiked my beer with too much green.

I'm sooo excited about Mark's birthday, now. Think green.


Anonymous said...

I think all birthdays should have a color theme. We really appreciated everything including G's spread of appetizers and beverages. And especially the cake you, I mean mom, spent hours on. I don't know how I'm going to handle two birthdays in one week.

eibanez said...

Thanks very much!! Funniest Birthday ever! I loved the cake, so much that leftovers are history!!

Thanks again